Vol. 21 No. 2 (2024): Journal of Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation (JNDE), June 2024
Research Papers

Harnessing Terahertz Waves: Advancements in Non-Destructive Testing Applications

Published 30-06-2024


  • Terahertz imaging and Spectroscopy,
  • Terahertz Non-Destructive Testing,
  • Coating Thickness,
  • Composites,
  • Thermal Barrier Coatings

How to Cite

Jyotirmayee Dash, Lenin B, Desh Praveen Kumar, Ruban Raj, Shyamsunder Mandayam, & Bala Pesala. (2024). Harnessing Terahertz Waves: Advancements in Non-Destructive Testing Applications. Journal of Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation (JNDE), 21(2), 56–63. Retrieved from https://jnde.isnt.in/index.php/JNDE/article/view/87


Terahertz (THz) technology has established itself as an effective non-destructive technique for the detection of various materials. Over the last decade, the effectiveness and accuracy of this technology have been demonstrated extensively in various applications starting from structural health monitoring, quality control to non-destructive testing. The THz industry is rapidly moving towards a more customized, rugged, turnkey THz systems that can be used in various industrial applications. This article presents a comprehensive overview of non-destructive testing applications of THz imaging and spectroscopy. It also explains the fundamentals of Terahertz radiation and its applicability in various real-world scenarios such as coating thickness, detection of internal defects, debonds and delamination of composites, quality monitoring in pharmaceutical tablets, defect detection of electronic components etc. This paper also discusses the challenges deploying current THz systems in the real-world applications and way forward to overcome these challenges.


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