AI for NDE 4.0 - How to get a Reliable and Trustworthy Result in Railway Based on the New Standards and Laws
Published 07-12-2023
- NDT,
- Reliability,
- POD,
- AI,
- Railways
- predictive maintenance ...More
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The potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in our modern society is virtually boundless. However, alongside this potential, we are witnessing an increase in challenges and risks within the field. In Europe, these concerns have spurred discussions leading to the development of the AI Act, a European law designed to harness the potential of AI technology while safeguarding personal rights and security. This article will delve into the significance of AI in non-destructive evaluations (NDE) and (also) the necessary steps to establish reliable AI solutions. It's essential to note that this process should not be perceived solely as a regulatory requirement but as an opportunity to enhance value, ultimately enabling the creation of innovative maintenance concepts. As an illustrative example, we will explore the use of AI technologies in rail testing a part of the ongoing AIFRI project in Germany.
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