Published 25-11-2022
- Digital X-Ray,
- Radiography,
- ADR,
- Simulation
- Assisted ...More
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The paper highlights a new paradigm using simulation-based analysis that employs physics-based models in parallel processing using GPU for rapid generation of synthetic data sets. This paper discusses the development of a Simulation Assisted ADR (Automatic Defect Recognition) using the physics-based simulation models of the different NDE/NDT imaging modalities as well as Deep Learning (DL) and/or Machine Learning (ML) models. Our approach addresses the classic issues during the implementation of DL/ML approach to Radiography and Ultrasonics based NDE/NDT data interpretation that includes lack of sufficient apriori data as well as biases in the data sets, among others. Here, using the limited experimental/field NDE/NDT data sets that are available and by deriving critical statistical distribution parameters from this data set, the stochastics of the simulation models are determined. Thereby, the simulated data sets are generated using numerical simulations along with the variations in the different parameters during experimental/field data acquisition. This process allows the generation of simulated data sets in large quantity that augments the smaller data sets obtained experimentally. This rich data set is subsequently utilized to train the DL models and provide reliable ADR algorithms. Weld and AL casting radiography data sets from Digital X-ray Images and PAUT (with FMC/TFM) are both used to demonstrate the SimADR approach.
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