Vol. 19 No. 3 (2022): Journal of Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation (JNDE), September 2022
Research Papers

Reliability Evaluations for the future of NDT/NDE4.0 in India

Vamsi Krishna Rentala
Applied Validation of NDT (AV-NDT), Berlin, Germany
Daniel Kanzler
Applied Validation of NDT (AV-NDT), Berlin, Germany
Phani Mylavarapu
Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL), NDTG, Hyderabad, India
Johannes Vrana
Vrana GmbH, Rimsting, Germany

Published 11-09-2022


  • NDT,
  • Reliability,
  • Probability of Detection,
  • NDE 4.0

How to Cite

Rentala, V. K., Kanzler, D., Mylavarapu, P. ., & Vrana, J. . (2022). Reliability Evaluations for the future of NDT/NDE4.0 in India. Journal of Non Destructive Testing and Evaluation (JNDE), 19(3), 18–25. Retrieved from https://jnde.isnt.in/index.php/JNDE/article/view/17


Usage of non-destructive testing or evaluation (NDT/E) techniques is widely accepted across various industries all over the world in order to maintain certain safety and quality standards. However, not many countries really perform the reliability evaluation of their NDT techniques. In this context, this article discusses the importance of reliability evaluations and state of reliability programs performed in India versus the reliability activities performed in the western countries. In addition, brief results from one of the POD programs carried out at DMRL are also presented for understanding the challenges involved in pursuing reliability programs in India. Moreover, remarks on the possible direction of POD especially under the context of transforming the industry towards NDE 4.0 were made.


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